
High Spirit Foliage Color For The 4th

With the 4th of July fast approaching, Team Fine Foliage is dealing with a 100-year, record-setting heat wave here in our typically mild northwest climate (as I sit in front of the AC writing this post). We have surpassed records made in the past hot July and August months so far and there seems to be no end in sight. Most of our time when not working on the NEW BOOK “Foliage First”, has been holding a hose or setting up sprinklers.


Karen Chapman’s explosion of fireworks Brit style. 

Since the vast majority of us can’t let off fireworks here due to the heat advisory and one-half of Team Fine Foliage is British anyway, we can get crazy HERE!  I thought it was a good time to bring you foliage ideas that are both high-energy colors and high-impact forms. Some spiky shapes that mimic fireworks are interesting and maybe they will give your imagination some ammunition to add some explosive foliage interest to YOUR landscape.


An Acalypha that I snapped in Disney World, BOLD!!

Red Castor Bean is a showstopper but can be a bit hard to find. Those giant red leaves are about 2ft. across.

I could have stuck with the good old red, white, and blue for this post, but I came across SO many other fun bits of color and detail for you that I gave up on that theme. But, there is always this one that you could do in a cobalt blue pot with red and white New Guinea Impatiens right? Someone make that combo and post it for us on the Fine Foliage page!


Drama with Caladium never fails!

Red Mandevilla, red Rex begonia, and a red sphere, now THAT is some color for a partially shady nook!

Another unique Acalypha harmonizing with orange, bronze, and lavender-toned Asters.

Impatiens ‘Omeiana’ is ALMOST like fireworks in the shade garden!

A reddish Bromeliad in a patriotic blue pot makes a statement!

Canna makes a wonderful backdrop for airy Gamma Grass like little sparks shooting up from the pot!


Now, THIS is a fireworks display!!

There are always blue foliage plants (for the good old Red, White, and Blue) that are dramatic and stunning around, sometimes you just have to think out of the box a bit.

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